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 Huge Media Release for Wilson !

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Nombre de messages : 215
Localisation : France
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2009

Huge Media Release for Wilson ! Empty
MessageSujet: Huge Media Release for Wilson !   Huge Media Release for Wilson ! Icon_minitime14th Avril 2011, 10:10 pm

Huge Media Release for Wilson ! Logo_mod1_small_mono

6 months from the last update and 3 years since the begining of the developpment, here comes a new media for Wilson Chronicles.

We are going to show you the hard work that has done our development team.

Chapter 2

Huge Media Release for Wilson ! 14_04_2011_wc_020001_200x125 Huge Media Release for Wilson ! 14_04_2011_wc_020002_200x125
This chapter will place the player in the Black Mesa’s disaster after the Xen invasion.

Chapter 3

Huge Media Release for Wilson ! 14_04_2011_wc_030002_200x125 Huge Media Release for Wilson ! 14_04_2011_wc_030001_200x125
In this chapter, the player, supported by survivors from the Black Mesa incident, will have to deal with the Xen resistance trough the Black Mesa's clinic.

Huge Media Release for Wilson ! 14_04_2011_v_snark_render_200x125
We're still needing coders to achieve the small part that needs to be done which include the snarks weapon and NPC.
If you think you can do it, contact us!

About the weapons, here are a bunch of them which will feature in the mod.

Huge Media Release for Wilson ! 14_04_2011_axe_render_1600x1200_200x150 Huge Media Release for Wilson ! 14_04_2011_glock_render_1600x1200-2_200x150 Huge Media Release for Wilson ! 14_04_2011_m4m203_render_1600x1200_200x150

Huge Media Release for Wilson ! 14_04_2011_snark_and_nest_render_1280x960_200x150 Huge Media Release for Wilson ! 14_04_2011_tree_xen_render_1600x1200_200x150 Huge Media Release for Wilson ! 14_04_2011_long_jump_module_render_1600x1200_200x150

About release date, Wilson Chronicles is still announced for 2012.

The current version of the mod is "Alpha 6". This version is cleaner than any previous versions including the demo.

If you haven't played it yet, the demo version of the mod is available here :

Download Wilson Chronicles Demo Release 1.0

The content of this version of Wilson Chronicles may contain bugs. Before installing, please check you've "Source SDK Base 2007" installed on your computer. If you don't have it, please install it.

"Source SDK Base 2007" can be found in "Tools" in the library tab.
This demo includes 2 maps which take place at the 2/4 of the game.About the official website, it is currently under development and will be back online soon.

Don't forget, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) is available here in english or here for French community.
The development Team also welcome 2 new sounders: Glen and Charly.

We are looking for :

•3D Artists
•2D Artists

Don't forget to join the community group of the mod and stay tuned for next Media Release !
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Huge Media Release for Wilson !
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