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 MOTY 2011 Media Release Part 2

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Nombre de messages : 215
Localisation : France
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2009

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MessageSujet: MOTY 2011 Media Release Part 2   MOTY 2011 Media Release Part 2 Icon_minitime4th Décembre 2011, 8:06 pm

MOTY 2011 Media Release Part 2 Logo_mod1_small_mono

As we said 3 days before, we'll release a few news with some new content of our eleventh media release, here is the second one, we're giving you 4 mapping screens today showing you the Introduction chapter and the Medical Center chapter :


MOTY 2011 Media Release Part 2 04_12_2011_media_release_11_introduction_01_400x250 MOTY 2011 Media Release Part 2 04_12_2011_media_release_11_introduction_02_400x250
Darren Wilson prepares himself to go to work in Black Mesa as an usual day, he takes his car and drives trought the desert of New Mexico.

Chapter 3

MOTY 2011 Media Release Part 2 04_12_2011_media_release_11_wc_03_03_400x250 MOTY 2011 Media Release Part 2 04_12_2011_media_release_11_wc_03_04_400x250
In this chapter, the player, supported by survivors from the Black Mesa incident, will have to deal with the Xen resistance trough the Black Mesa's clinic.

MOTY 2011 Media Release Part 2 Moty2011_moddb

Thank you for all your support ! Remember, you still can help us to get in the top 100 of this MOTY just like past year !

Keep following us here on Moddb for the next days news.

As most of you will know, the voting for this year's Mod of the Year awards started on past wednesday. The MotY awards are fairly prestigious within the modding community.

We are looking for :

•3D Artists
•2D Artists

Don't forget to join the community group and the facebook group of the mod and stay tuned for next Media Release !
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